Being Guillén: MLB Lockout And Hall Of Fame Voting With The Guilléns

This week on Being Guillén, your favorite baseball family in Chicago, invites us into their home to discuss the current topics in baseball.
First, Ozzie Guillén, Ozzie Guillén Jr., and Oney Guillén bring us their thoughts on the biggest free-agent signings and the Chicago White Sox 2022 season.
Next, they imagine Ozzie Guillén playing in the modern era, whether he could compete with the current home run hitting shortstops and if he would make any money with his skillset.
Ozzie starts talking about Cal Ripken Jr. and how he set the bar in his era for how much money shortstops commanded in free agency. On behalf of Ozzie Jr. and Oney, "Thank you, Tío Cal!"
Later, the Guilléns remember the 1994 MLB Players Strike and compare and contrast the situation to today's MLB Lockout. Ozzie shares his thoughts about the lockout and his concern for players.
And finally, to end the show, the Guilléns debate the other topic on everyone's minds right now, Hall of Fame voting and the steroid era. Who deserves a shot at immortality? Will David 'Big Papi' Ortiz make it into the Hall of Fame in his first year on the ballot? Will Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens get in on their last ballot? Find out on Being Guillén.